Monday, June 25, 2012

Open Shift on Feodra 17

I have just moved from RHEL 6 to Fedora 17. Not completely seamless but probably I had part in the mess. Anyway it's been quite simple and still feeling more a Windows user than a Linux one, seeing that to restore my previous programs and configurations it is just a matter of moving files, like I used to do on Windows choosing Portable Application make me feel happy (and save a lot of time)

I decided I needed to blog here since I have found a problem with Red Hat Open Shift installation procedure.

If you follow the official steps on Open Shift site you'll receive a 404 error, very disappointing.

But the bug has already been tracked: 

Anyway it seems that Fedora already includes the right packages, they are just with a slightly different name:

yum search rhc

#will lead you to: 

yum install rubygem-rhc

that will provide you the rhc command!